
Picture credits: UNDP global

Project summary

As one of the six EU Eastern Partnership countries, Azerbaijan faces water and energy shortages and a broad spectrum of climate-related and geophysical disasters. With more frequent and severe meteorological hazards, rural and urban populations across the sub-region are likely to become more vulnerable, while the overall costs of adaptation are projected to increase dramatically. Economies in the region are characterized by high levels of energy intensity and inefficiency, relying on fossil fuels for over 80 percent of their energy needs. Climate change will exacerbate current pressure on natural resources and ecosystems. The project will directly contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13. Beyond SDG 13 on Climate Action, the project will also contribute to the achievement of other SDGs related to poverty, food and water security, urban and rural resilience, gender equality, affordable and clean energy, responsible production and consumption and partnership. This will be possible through enhanced national planning capacities, reducing vulnerability of economic sectors to climate risks, spearheading mitigation action in energy production and energy consuming sectors. 

The current project falls under UNDP Regional Programme for Europe and the CIS2018-2021 Outcome 1: Accelerating structural transformations through more effective governance systems. More specifically, the project responds to the Regional Program’s goal to achieve low-emissions and climate resilience objectives' integration into development policies and plans through regional initiatives promoting economic diversification and green growth. The project will build on UNDP’s strong foundation and $2.8 billion portfolio, expertise, and lessons learned from climate change mitigation and adaptation programmes and projects, as well as UNDP work on National Communications, transparency, REDD+, gender, health, and climate change governance. The project will also fall under the EU Eastern Partnership initiative and the "20 Deliverables for 2020" as endorsed by the 2017 Eastern Partnership Summit Declaration as well as under the EU Global Strategy and the reviewed European Neighbourhood Policy.

Project objectives

The project's main goals are low-emissions and climate resilience objectives' integration into development policies/plans in six EaP countries through improved and consolidated climate policies and legislative alignment. More specifically, the project will aim to achieve:

1) Implementation and update if necessary of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement

2) Development of national mid-century, long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies (long-term LEDS)

3) Introduction, when necessary, of robust domestic emissions monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) frameworks and strengthening of the existing ones

4) Alignment with EU acquis included in bilateral agreements and Energy Community Treaty (when applicable)

5) Mainstreaming climate in other sectors, interinstitutional awareness (on policy and technical level) and sectoral guidelines for the implementation of Paris agreement 11

6) Climate investment

7) Adaptation planning, with special focus on adoption and when necessary development of adaptation plans (national and sectoral)

8) Well established and effective M&E, communication, visibility and reporting

9) Efficient and sustainable project management

Expected outcomes

  • Finalized or up-dated nationally determined contributions and national mid-century strategies and communicated to the UNFCCC
  • Improved inter-institutional awareness and coordination at political and technical level of the Paris Agreement and the corresponding national commitments
  • Established or strengthened MRV systems, with countries getting on track with Paris Agreement transparency requirements
  • Advanced alignment with EU climate acquis as provided by bilateral agreements with EU and in the context of Energy Community Treaty on climate matters that are not covered by the EU4Energy programme
  • Establishment of concrete sectoral guidelines for the implementation of the Paris Agreement in each of the Eastern Partners
  • Increased mobilization of climate finance (potential NIF/NIP proposals and domestic resources)
  • Adoption of national and sectoral adaptation plans